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Narrative Walks

Narrative Walks is structured around a 20km or 10km walk where groups of participants will explore the storylines that sculpt their lives and look to make positive changes. These walks are based in Narrative Therapy techniques. Additional walks will be run at other locations soon and can also be structured to suit groups or organisations.


Embark Retreats

Embark Retreats looks to take men and women into adulthood. The program acknowledges that in our society people may have already transitioned to a man or woman but may still be seeking purpose and asks the question of whether they are an adult. It is not focused on mental health but rather personal development. Our Retreats each run in Western Australia for four days and 3 nights and are designed as a Rites of Passage Program. There are three stages of Embark Retreats, however an individual may choose to only complete Stage 1 or may go onto complete the other stages as needed over a number of years. 

Embark Retreats - 18-30 years - Cost $400 per participant

Embark Walks

Embark Walks looks to take young men into the bush overnight to explore a problem. It is not focused on mental health but rather personal development. It is a fee for service program designed for up to 14 participants aged 14-17 and run by 2 facilitators on the Bibbulmun Track beginning and ending at the Mount Dale Lookout over 2 nights/3 days (Friday-Sunday)

Embark Walks - 14-17 years - Cost $300 per participant

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